Terms & Conditions

By enrolling in any programmes offered by Gosh! Kids, the student and/or his/her parents/guardians acknowledge and agree to our Terms and Conditions as specified below. Gosh! Kids reserves the right to update and change the Terms and Conditions at any time.

Junior Photo Explorer Expedition / Photography Mentorship Program:
Details, Enrollment and Cancellation Policies.
(Online or In-person Classes)

The student’s enrollment is only confirmed when registration on our online system and payment are complete.

Gosh! Kids can accommodate the following reason for cancellation:

  • After the 1st session, parents who deem that the program is not suitable for their child can receive a full refund. This has to be made known to us before the 2nd session commences. Any refund request made after the 2nd lesson (and before the 3rd lesson commences), a 25% refund will be issued.

  • There will be no refunds issued after the 3rd lesson commences.

Gosh! Kids reserves the right to update program fees, program duration and curriculum content as deemed appropriate or necessary.

In the event that the student is unable to make it for a session, alternative arrangements (e.g. joining another class on a different day) are arranged as a goodwill gesture and are strictly subject to feasibility and/or availability. Gosh! Kids will only accommodate a maximum of one missed session for each student. If the student misses two or more sessions, we will not provide any make-up sessions.

Photography & Film Material

Gosh! Kids may take video recording/photographs of the class and its students for educational, training and/or promotional purposes.

The student's work may also be used for other promotional purposes or on social media platforms.

If you wish for you or your child to not be featured in any educational, training and/or promotional materials, please send us an email at hello@goshkids.org.


In case of bad weather (e.g. heavy rain or thunderstorm), Gosh! Kids may inform the Parents/Guardians on the possibility of the postponement of the class up to 2 hours before the commencement of the class. In the event of postponement, no extra charges will be incurred.

Personal Safety & Health

Parents/Guardians are solely responsible for the safety of the student before and after class. Students are welcomed to arrive 10-min prior to the start of the class to settle in, and should be picked up no later than 15-min after the class ends.

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to inform Gosh! Kids if the student has any medical conditions that may require special attention.

In the event of a serious accident that may require immediate medical attention, Gosh! Kids might bring your child to the nearest clinic/hospital. By enrolling in Gosh! Kids, you have given us consent to do so and parents/guardians will be notified immediately. All subsequent expenses as a result of the visit to the clinic/hospital will be borned by Parents/Guardians.

In the event that our teachers are unwell, Gosh! Kids will find the next substitute teacher to take over the class. In the event where there are insufficient teachers available, Gosh! Kids will inform parents / guardians at least 2 hours prior to the commencement of the class. The class may be postponed to the next available date for the students.

Property Damage

In the event where a student causes damage to any Gosh! Kids’ property, the parents/guardians will be notified and are responsible to pay for the associated costs and damages (based on the market value) arising from the incident.